تصویر به دنبال موس :
<!------ http://www.hadisystem.tk -------> <> <!-- var ns = (document.layers)?1:0; var Anim=new Array(); var imgwidth=40; // Image width var imgheight=40; // Image height var button = Array(); // to pre-cache images button[0]=new Image(); button[0].src="URL PIC ON"; button[1]=new Image(); button[1].src="URL PIC OFF"; var text="<table width=10 bgcolor=#ffffff><td><a href="java:showhideAnimation()"><center><img name="Button" src=""+button[0].src+"" width=""+imgwidth+"" height=""+imgheight+"" border="0"></center></a></font></td></table>" // A bit of HTML code to display the button //Initialize some variables to make the button always to appear on the frame"s bottom-right corner if (ns) { document.write("<LAYER NAME="FlyOnOff" LEFT=0 TOP=0>"+text+"</LAYER>"); horz=".left"; vert=".top"; docStyle="document."; styleDoc=""; innerW="window..innerWidth"; innerH="window.innerHeight"; offsetX="window.pageXOffset"; offsetY="window.pageYOffset"; }else { document.write("<div id="FlyOnOff" style="position:absolute; visibility:show; left:235px; top:-50px; z-index:2">"+text+"</div>"); horz=".pixelLeft"; vert=".pixelTop"; docStyle=""; styleDoc=".style"; innerW="document.body.clientWidth"; innerH="document.body.clientHeight"; offsetX="document.body.scrollLeft"; offsetY="document.body.scrollTop"; } // Moves the button in the right position function checkLocation() { XY="FlyOnOff"; var availableX=(innerW); var availableY=(innerH); var currentX=(offsetX); var currentY=(offsetY); x=availableX-(imgwidth+30)+currentX; y=availableY-(imgheight+20)+currentY; (docStyle + XY + styleDoc + horz + "=" + x); (docStyle + XY + styleDoc + vert + "=" + y); } Anim[0]=setInterval("checkLocation()", 10); (document.layers)?window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE):0; (document.layers)?window.onMouseMove=getMousePosition:document.onmousemove=getMousePosition; var Dot_Ro=60; //Dot"s distance from the mouse pointer var Dot_Theta=0; //Dot"s initial angle var Dot_Speed; //Dot"s absolute Angular speed var Dot_Direction=1; //Dot"s direction (1=clockwise) var Dot_x=0; //Dot"s original position var Dot_y=0; var alpha; //Angle from the fly to the mouse var mult; //Ausiliary variable to define the angle var picX = 20; //Fly"s coords. var picY = 100; var mouseX = 0; //Mouse coords. var mouseY = 0; var step = 10; //Pixels var speed = 100;//u-seconds // Dir specifies the right picture; // img pre-caches images. var dir = Array(); dir[-4]="URL PIC 1"; dir[-1]="URL PIC 2"; dir[-2]="URL PIC 3"; dir[-3]="URL PIC 4"; dir[3]="URL PIC 1"; dir[4]="URL PIC 2"; dir[1]="URL PIC 3"; dir[2]="URL PIC 4"; dir[0]=""; var img = Array(); for (var i=-4; i<5; i++){ img[i]=new Image(); img[i].src=dir[i]; } // Some HTML code to show the fly. if (ns) { document.write("<LAYER NAME="FlyDiv" LEFT=0 TOP=0><img src="+dir[1]+" name="pic"></LAYER>"); }else { document.write("<div id="FlyDiv" style="position:absolute">"); document.write("<img name="pic" src=" + dir[1] + "></div>"); } // Shows the proper image for the fly. function display(direction) { //direction must be from -4 to 4, but not 0. if (ns) { document.pic.src = dir[direction]; }else{ pic.src = dir[direction]; } } function getMousePosition(e) { mouseY=(ns)?e.pageY:window.event.y + document.body.scrollTop; mouseX=(ns)?e.pageX:window.event.x + document.body.scrollLeft; } //Calculate new position function calcNewPos() { var dist=Math.sqrt(Math.pow(mouseY-picY,2) + Math.pow(mouseX-picX,2)); Dot_Speed=Math.PI/15; Dot_Theta+=Dot_Direction*Dot_Speed; Dot_x=mouseX+Dot_Ro*Math.cos(Dot_Theta); Dot_y=mouseY+Dot_Ro*Math.sin(Dot_Theta); var arg = (Dot_y-picY) / (Dot_x-picX); mult = (Dot_x - picX < 0)? mult = -1:1; alpha = Math.atan(arg); var dx = mult * step * Math.cos(alpha); var dy = mult * step * Math.sin(alpha); picX += dx; picY += dy; } //Shows or hides the fly when the "button" is pressed function showhideAnimation() { if (ns) { document.layers["FlyDiv"].visibility=document.layers["FlyDiv"].visibility=="hide"?"show":"hide"; document.Button.src = document.layers["FlyDiv"].visibility=="hide"?button[1].src:button[0].src; }else { FlyDiv.style.visibility=="hidden"?FlyDiv.style.visibility = "visible":FlyDiv.style.visibility = "hidden"; Button.src = FlyDiv.style.visibility=="hidden"?button[1].src:button[0].src; } } // Moves the fly around the screen function moveFly() { // moves the fly in a new position... calcNewPos(); if (ns) { document.layers["FlyDiv"].left = picX; document.layers["FlyDiv"].top = picY; }else{ FlyDiv.style.left = picX - pic.width / 2; FlyDiv.style.top = picY - pic.height / 2; } // ... and changes the image. alpha=-180*alpha/Math.PI; alpha+=22.5; var OK=0; for(var i=0; (i<4)&& !OK; i++){ if (alpha<-Math.PI+45*i){ display(mult*(i+1)); OK=1; } } } // Changes Dot"s turning direction function ChangeDotDirection() { Dot_Direction=-Dot_Direction; Dot_Theta+=Math.PI; } //Go! Anim[1]=setInterval("moveFly()", speed); Anim[2]=setInterval("ChangeDotDirection()", speed*50); function killIt() { for(var i=0;i<Anim.length;i++) { if(Anim[i]) { clearInterval(Anim[i]); Anim[i]=null; } } } //--> </> <!------ http://www.hadisystem.tk ------->